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  • Cite This Source Word Origin & History analog U.S. spelling of analogue (q.v.). analogue 1826, "an analogous thing," from Fr. analogue , from Gk. analogon (itself used in Eng. from c.1810), from ana "up to" + logos "account, ratio" (see lecture). Computing sense is recorded from 1946. Online Etymology Dictionary, ©2010 Douglas Harper Cite This SourceMedical Dictionary

an·a·logue definition[]

or an·a·log Pronunciation: /ˈan- əl-ˌȯg, -ˌäg/ Function: n '1 ': something that is analogous or similar to something else '2 ': an organ similar in function to an organ of another animal orplant but different in structure and origin 3 usually analog : a chemical compound that is structurally similarto another but differs slightly in composition (as in the replacementof one atom by an atom of a different element or in the presenceof a particular functional group) (Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, ©2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)&nbsp Cite This Source analogue an·a·logue or an·a·log (ān'ə-lôg') n.

    1. An organ or structure similar in function to one in anotherspecies but of dissimilar evolutionary origin.
    2. A structural derivative of a parent chemical compound thatoften differs from it by a single element.

The American Heritage®Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright ©2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton MifflinCompany. Cite This SourceScience Dictionary

analog or analogue (ān'ə-lôg') Pronunciation KeyAdjective Measuring or representing data by means of one ormore physical properties that can express any value along acontinuous scale. For example, the position of the hands of a clockis an analog representation of time. Compare digital.

Noun*#An organ or structure that is similar in function to one inanother kind of organism but is of dissimilar evolutionaryorigin. The wings of birds and the wings of insects areanalogs.

    1. A chemical compound that has a similar structure and similarchemical properties to those of another compound, but differsfrom it by a single element or group. The antibioticamoxicillin, for example, is an analog of penicillin, differingfrom the latter by the addition of an amino group. Compare homologue.